Refine everything!

For specialized refining solutions, Oloreso Petroleum is the reliable partner of choice. To ensure that our services meet and exceed customer expectations, Kazakhstan is committed to constantly improving its operations. Delivering top-notch petroleum products is something we take great pride in.

How do we stack up?

The refinery has developed over time to become Kazakhstan’s most dependable refinery.

Our services.

The Oloreso Petroleum team is committed to collaborating with clients and offering knowledge at each stage of the refining process.


The key element of the corporate governance arrangements is the enterprise risk management system (ERMS), which aims to identify, assess, monitor,


For voluntarily reducing emissions, Oloreso Petroleum was given the Clean Air Excellence Award by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Who We Are

Oloreso Petroleum is a corporation located in Almaty, Al-Farabi Avenue, 13, Officw 402. The company’s major operation is the procurement, storage, and processing of oil to produce dark and light oil products. The company was established in 2016. The first stage of the Raw Hydrocarbon Processing Complex was launched the same year, with a refining output of 65 thousand tons per year. The second stage of hydrocarbon processing, with a design capacity of 300 thousand tons per year, went into operation in the fourth quarter of 2020. The third stage of commissioning of the hydrocarbon raw material processing is planned for 2024, with a design capacity of 830 thousand tons per year.

Our company is the only one in the region with such a project, which allows us to sell the Plant’s products without difficulty, thereby partially meeting the region’s need for gasoline and lubricants. The Company’s location near Kazakhstan’s Sea Gate provides for unfettered trading of fuel oil to Caspian states. The heating oil generated by the plant will be used for the bunkering of Oloreso Petroleum tankers and ships.

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